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Texas Rural Democrats

The Texas Non-Urban Rural Outreach (NURO) stands for all Texas Democrats who are rural or country at heart. Some are farmers and ranchers, others work in the oil and gas fields, while others work in mining, timber, education, healthcare, small business, law enforcement, agriculture, transportation, and the other industries that power and feed Texas.

It was rural Texas Democrats, such as Lyndon Johnson, Sam Rayburn, & many others, who brought electricity to rural Texans, created Social Security, built the roads and schools we depend on, passed Civil & Voting Rights, and laid much of the foundation of American life. Democrats built Texas.

But our work is not done. After a generation of GOP domination in Texas, our roads are crumbling, our public schools are at risk of being defunded, and our rights are being chipped away.

We rural Texas Democrats are proud to continue the fight to improve the lives of all those who call rural Texas home. Join us to help us continue the fight.

  • Featured petition

    Expand Medicaid

    35 signatures

    26 rural hospitals have closed in recent years across Texas. This is unacceptable for the richest country on Earth. Texans deserve better. 


    We demand our state and federal leaders do all that they can to protect all rural hospitals and clinics across the state and reopen all those that have closed. Expanding Medicaid is a good first step to help save rural hospitals, so we DEMAND our state leaders expand Medicaid ASAP and do whatever else it takes to save our rural healthcare.

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